When You Close up Shop and a Void Opens Up

Our littlest turned 2. For me this is bittersweet. Heaviness fills my heart as I am putting 2 little candles on the cake for the last time. My baby grows up and gets bigger and more independent with each day that passes and here I am, dreading all the lasts. A sadness fills my heart.… Continue reading When You Close up Shop and a Void Opens Up

To My Kids: If You’re Ever in Doubt…

Dear Kids, I have a confession to make. Your mother is not perfect. You may have suspected that. Some days I look at you, watch you play and my eyes well up. You are beautiful. You are mine. And I feel gratified and satiated with adoration. I want to stop time and soak up each and every… Continue reading To My Kids: If You’re Ever in Doubt…